ITV Ventures Direct Media

Released on = September 23, 2006, 10:26 am

Press Release Author = French Montreville

Industry = Internet & Online

Press Release Summary = Donald Barrett, Founder and CEO of ITV Direct cordially
invites you and your guests to attend the exclusive pre-launch of his new company.

Press Release Body =

Ready to escape the "rat race?" If you crave financial independence and dream of a
better lifestyle, then the newly formed ITV VenturesT wants to hear from you today.

The truth is there's no limit on how much money you can earn as an ITV VenturesT
Independent Business Owner. With ITV's simple yet comprehensive training system, in
the time it takes to watch a couple of movies, you can create a steady revenue
stream for years to come.
The concept is simple: You get paid to connect purchase-ready customers with the
products they want. These targeted "hot leads" have expressed interest in ITV
Ventures' products, and in many cases, have purchased them before.

So, you don't have to recruit your friends or family. And you don't need to be a
superior salesperson. What you do need is a few spare hours every week and the drive
to succeed. You'll soon discover why ITV VenturesT is in a league of its own. View
Presentation - PowerPoint ITV VENTURES FAQs - ITV Ventures Social Networking - ITV
Ventures Shop

A new wealth-generating movement is emerging. The recent formation of ITV VenturesT
signals a new era in home business ownership, a new wave of self-made financial
success stories. and for many, the opportunity for substantial wealth.

Industry insiders are describing ITV VenturesT as one of the most innovative
home-based business ventures ever created. It embodies the maturity of media giant
ITV Direct. But its take-charge, trailblazing corporate culture echoes that of a
success-driven, fledgling company.

A new playing field is emerging. Will you be part of it? Become an ITV VenturesT IBO
Industry insiders are describing ITV VenturesT as one of the most innovative
home-based business ventures ever created. It embodies the maturity of media giant
ITV Direct. But its take-charge, trailblazing corporate culture echoes that of a
success-driven, fledgling company. A new playing field is emerging. Will you be part
of it? Become an ITV VenturesT IBO today.

The ONLY Network Marketing company launched by a solid multi- million dollar media
company! An exciting home based income opportunity driven by mass national media
coverage! Right from the start you are offering nationally branded products! This
opportunity generates qualified leads via top 10 rated infomercials! ITV leads
program that allows you to "customize" the leads you want to work with! Up to 100%
profit on ALL your retail sales! This is not a Start-Up ... Its' a RAMP UP to

Infomercial giant who has taken the Direct Response Industry by storm! 6 years of
solid and industry organized success! $400 Million in sales! 70% growth in revenues
over the last 3 years! $100 Million in projected sales for 2006 alone!

The founder, a 31-year old business genius, had just announced that he was going to
launch a new \"arm\" of this huge company, called ITV Ventures that would bring this
highly successful form of massive media exposure to a MLM format in the coming
months. The company will pre-launch on September 30th at the companies world
headquarters in Boston MA and currently just over 300 people even know about this!
You have got to see this.

Folks, this is the Marriage of Infomercials to Network Marketing. This has never
been done before. It believed that this company will be bigger than Herbalife,
bigger than Amway. Please do not mistake or discard my enthusiasm for this project
as \"MLM Hype\", this certainly is not!
Go to my site; fill out the form to register for a live 30 minute Tele-Seminar.

Each ITV Direct infomercial generates the leads to help you grow your income and
build your business! Only ITV Ventures Independent Business Owners (IBOs) get
exclusive access to purchase these income. generating leads! ITV VENTURES creates a
whole new breed of income generating leads! Combination of Direct Response TV with
Network Marketing creates a realistic and life changing income opportunity!

Over $50 Million spent annually on Direct Response TV media (infomercials)!
National and regional coverage Radio and print campaigns scheduled for 2006
Nationally ranked infomercials from Jordan Whitney & IMS
Consistently ranked in the top 10!More winning infomercials in the past 3 yearsthan
any other company!

. Trusted premium products backed by science& perfected by nature
. Recognizable TV personalities driving product sales through ITV Direct
. 100,000 units shipped monthly!
. Data base with over 2 million customers!
. Substantial continuity business driven by consumable products & customer loyalty
. Each ITV Direct infomercial generates the leads to help you grow your income and
build your business!

. Only ITV Ventures Independent Business Owners (IBOs) get exclusive access to
purchase these income generating leads!

. ITV VENTURES creates a whole new breed of income generating leads!
. Combination of Direct Response TV with Network Marketing creates a realistic and
life changing income opportunity!
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Web Site =

Contact Details = French Montreville

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